Friday 8 June 2012

There were two caps at Harrowdown Hill

In my last two posts I have discussed the bloodstained Barbour cap found near Dr Kelly's left shoulder on 18 July.  There were though two caps at Harrowdown Hill that day.

The second recorded cap is easily overlooked in reading the evidence.  However when one looks at the list of exhibits in Dr Hunt's report there it is:  NCH/17/5 Flat cap from game pocketIt should come as no surprise that the presence of this second cap wasn't raised at the Hutton Inquiry.  No other objects were recorded as being in the game pocket, the mobile phone, etc were in the "front bottom bellows pocket".

I don't attach any great significance to there being a second cap.  Dr Kelly might simply have forgotten about the cap in the game pocket or perhaps he just fancied wearing the other cap that afternoon.  We don't know.

Really I just wanted to complete the picture by referring to this second cap.  As to there being anything sinister about it ... I have no reason to believe so.  To me it's just another unexplained small oddity in the mystery of Dr Kelly's death.

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